Peaceful Nutrition

Peaceful Nutrition ™ is a style of nutrition therapy that combines the principles of yoga and nutrition science. It encourages you to explore the thoughts, feelings and sensations that drive you to nourish yourself. As you move through therapy the goal is for you to gain a greater awareness of your habitual eating and thought patterns that prohibit you from cultivating a peaceful relationship with food and yourself. This therapy is provided by a certified yoga teacher who is also a board-certified Registered Dietitian with a Masters degree in Nutrition Science.

Peaceful Nutrition™ provides:

  • Education around mindful eating to help you identify what, when and how much to eat.

  • A gentle exploration into triggers such as loneliness, stress and/or boredom that might be related to your relationship with food.

  • A trauma sensitive approach as you work to slowly uncover what is holding you back from your personal peace.

  • Discussions around yogic science and philosophy as an approach to a more peaceful mind, body and spirit.

Nutrition + Yoga

Peaceful Nutrition encourages clients to explore their relationship with food and themselves through the practice of yoga. Learn more below.

Yoga classes are offered DOWN THE HALL at HISTORIC YOGA. Click here to learn more.

Something to consider before your yoga class:

Certain individuals can be disconnected from their body for a variety of reasons. Yoga can provide them with a unique opportunity to turn inward and reconnect to their inherent bodily wisdom. There are many styles of yoga taught by many different yogis. We encourage you to find a style that works best for you. If you don’t like the first yoga class you attend, consider trying a different style.

It’s important to note that yoga can evoke new feelings and sensations that might be uncomfortable for some. If you try yoga for the first time and do not like it, consider trying a different style and/or one taught by a different instructor. Equally important to consider is whether or not you are able to lean into those uncomfortable feelings that surface during class as they could be part of the healing process for which this yoga class can help you explore.

Individuals with a high degree of burnout and stress in their lives, may find a gentle style of yoga more suitable to them to help promote a balanced nervous system. If you fall into this category, classes to consider would be a slow flow vinyasa, restorative candlelight yoga, mindfulness meditation and/or yoga Nidra.

Those with a history of intense trauma are highly encouraged to go to a trauma sensitive class and/or contact their instructor prior to class to ensure it is a good fit. We also are connected with some great licensed mental health professionals who are trained to help you unpack what may arise as you start to reconnect with your body. We are happy to provide their contact information.

In this short mindfulness bite, mindfulness is used to explore ways to differentiate between physical hunger and non-food related hunger.

Virtual Yoga Teachings

You are invited to explore the below yoga teachings. These FREE offerings are part of Jen’s required community outreach as she works to become a Certified Yoga Therapist.

This 10 minute class may help you cultivate compassion.

This 10 minute class may help reduce tension.

This 10 minute class may help reduce frustration.

This ~45 minute class is ideal for after a chaotic day. This practice may help you unwind and perhaps even fall asleep more easily!

DISCLAIMER: Kindly note that content is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for personal medical or mental health care advice.

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